
Suzuki Philosophy
YOUTH SCHOLARSHIPS2024-07-01T19:18:23-04:00
  • We provide tuition assistance on a sliding scale for qualifying youth ages 18 and under (who have not yet graduated from high school).
    • Scholarships are based on household income, family size, and other special financial considerations.
  • Materials to submit with application:
    • Your most recent, completed tax return as submitted to the IRS. *Student must be a dependent.
    • Two letters of recommendation from teachers or adult mentors (librarians, program leaders, religious leaders, etc.)
  • Students who receive scholarship are required to take theory and ensemble classes as a part of their course of study.
ADULT SCHOLARSHIPS2023-09-05T10:23:13-04:00
  • The Mary L Bianco and Robert Heath Adult Scholarship Fund provides tuition assistance for qualifying adult students aged 18 AND OLDER.
  • Scholarships are offered on a sliding scale up to 25% of lesson tuition. All scholarship awards are based upon household income, family size, and special financial considerations.
  • Materials to submit with application:
    • Your most recent, completed tax return as submitted to the IRS.
MUSIC THERAPY SCHOLARSHIPS2023-09-05T10:25:49-04:00
  • Qualifying youth and adults with disabilities may apply for tuition assistance to take music therapy or adapted instruction. Scholarships are awarded on a sliding scale, based on household income, family size, and special financial considerations.
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis in the order in which they are received.  Due to the high number of applications received, qualifying applicants will be contacted only if funding becomes available.
  • Military veterans may apply for full scholarships to participate in the Healing Our Heroes music therapy program. For further information visit the Music Therapy Institute.

To be considered for the program, contact Dr. Tina Brescia:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION2023-09-05T10:33:52-04:00
  • Continuation of scholarships is dependent upon compliance with the scholarship agreement, documentation of ongoing need, and available funds.
  • The Conservatory reserves the right to discontinue a scholarship at any time.
  • Scholarship applications are confidential and a complete federal tax return must be submitted yearly to maintain scholarship award and/or placement on the waiting list.
  • Applications may be submitted at any time; awards are offered to students in the order in which their completed application is received.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. Materials to submit with application:
    • Two letters of recommendation from teachers or adult mentors (librarians, program leaders, religious leaders, etc.)
    • Your most recent, completed tax return as submitted to the IRS. Documentation of any additional, special financial considerations (if applicable).


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Interested in how MCW can bring music into your life?

The Music Conservatory of Westchester does not discriminate in its employment, enrollment, programs and/or activities on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability (subject to reasonable accommodation), age, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Our mission is to provide the extraordinary benefits of music to all in our community.

The Music Conservatory of Westchester does not discriminate in its employment, enrollment, programs and/or activities on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability (subject to reasonable accommodation), age, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Our mission is to provide the extraordinary benefits of music to all in our community.

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