Why Donate

Music can be life changing, and we believe that regardless of financial circumstance, music education should be available for all.

Support our mission of providing the extraordinary and invaluable benefits of music for passionate children and adults of all ages.

The Conservatory is a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. You may direct your 100% tax-deductible gift to one of our Signature Programs, or allow us to direct it where most needed.

“The Music Conservatory of Westchester is like the phoenix rising from the ashes of how things used to be, reborn into a new now, informed, as always, by the power and vibrancy of music, which incites our love for what we do.”


“Thanks for keeping our music program going through your creativity and hard work. While many other programs have been postponed and cancelled for purposes of social distancing, we are maintaining remote social interaction, growing, and learning something that transcends our current dilemma, and brings joy and beauty with music.”



Our Signature Programs

SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM2024-02-06T16:54:13-05:00

So that deserving students can fulfil their musical dreams and goals, the Conservatory’s Scholarship Program provides need-based tuition assistance to more than 100 students each year. Scholarships are given as young as age five and are renewable through high school graduation.

Need-based scholarships are also available for talented high school students accepted to our MCW Theatre Arts Prep Program for pre professional training.

MUSIC THERAPY INSTITUTE2023-09-06T08:57:44-04:00

Music has the power to change the life of individuals with a disability.

The Conservatory’s Music Therapy Institute (MTI) reaches over 2,000 students each year with a wide variety of disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, learning and developmental disabilities, acute and chronic medical conditions, and emotional and behavioural disorders.

As the largest music therapy provider in greater Westchester, MTI provides services onsite at the Conservatory and on an outreach basis with 30 community partners including public schools, special education programs, medical facilities, and social service agencies. Our caring music therapists use a variety of music techniques, including instrumental and vocal improvisation, singing, songwriting, and listening/moving to music, to positively impact the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of participants.

HEALING OUR HEROES2023-09-06T08:58:17-04:00

For military veterans recovering from the wounds of war, music therapy has a transformative impact. Healing our Heroes, launched in 2013, provides individual and group music therapy and adapted music instruction to restore, support and improve the physical, emotional, and neurologic functioning of wounded veterans, and to improve the quality of life for veterans and their families.

The Conservatory works closely with the Bronx and Montrose VA Hospitals as well as four local veteran centres. Through the generous ongoing support of individuals, foundations and corporations, services are provided at no cost to veterans or their families.

Interested in how MCW can bring music into your life?

Interested in how MCW can bring music into your life?

The Music Conservatory of Westchester does not discriminate in its employment, enrollment, programs and/or activities on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability (subject to reasonable accommodation), age, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Our mission is to provide the extraordinary benefits of music to all in our community.

The Music Conservatory of Westchester does not discriminate in its employment, enrollment, programs and/or activities on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability (subject to reasonable accommodation), age, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. Our mission is to provide the extraordinary benefits of music to all in our community.

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